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Digital Marketing

  • Date: 12-Apr-24
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Digital Marketing

About Digital Marketing

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is the use of websites, apps, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other digital means to promote and sell products and services.

Digital marketing incorporates many of the same principles as traditional marketing and is often seen as another way for companies to reach consumers and understand their behaviour. Companies often combine traditional and digital marketing techniques in their strategies. However, digital marketing also comes with its own set of challenges. Digital marketing took off with the widespread adoption of the Internet in the 1990s.

Why Digital Marketing Is Important

To succeed, businesses must find effective ways to spread the word about their products and services, and this has never been more challenging than it is today. Consumers are faced with more choices from more providers, all clamoring for their attention. Deploying compelling content on digital marketing platforms is one way to stand out from the crowd.

Another reason why digital marketing is so important to businesses is simply this: it's where your ideal customer hangs out. According to research experts at Statista, there will be 5.19 billion internet users and 4.88 billion social media users worldwide by 2023. Internet users spend an average of six hours and 40 minutes a day online.

This huge, highly engaged online audience presents huge opportunities for businesses looking to get exposure for their goods and services. Digital marketing offers almost endless opportunities to connect with potential customers and is an important part of almost every business's marketing mix.

Types and strategies of digital marketing

Creating a solid digital marketing strategy for your business starts with a better understanding of the types of digital marketing methods that yield the best returns. Below, we will introduce you to six types of digital marketing: social media marketing, search engine marketing (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, mobile marketing, and content marketing.

Types of digital marketing

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is one of the most popular forms of digital marketing. In the United States alone, more than 308 million people access the social network at least once a month. People of all ages use social media for entertainment, interaction with others, information about specific interests, and shopping.

For businesses hoping to gain visibility and sales, social media statistics reveal that incorporating social media into your marketing mix can be a good strategy. Social media is the main source of brand information for 78% of internet users. Nearly half of US consumers report purchasing social media.

Top social platforms include YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and X (formerly Twitter). New platforms such as BeReal and Poparazzi regularly enter the market.

The social environment is constantly evolving. For example, Twitter, now X, was once a top platform, but now the social channel seems to be struggling. Twitter has lost around 32 million users since Elon Musk bought the platform in 2022. TikTok didn't even hit the international scene until 2017, but now has over 1.7 billion monthly active users. Digital marketers must remain alert to changes in social media channels.

  • SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential digital marketing strategy for businesses that benefit from increasing traffic to their website. SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that search engines like Google will rank it highly on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

SEO is about driving organic traffic to your site. Unlike paid advertising, with SEO, visitors who find your website come from organic search. Around 8.5 billion searches are performed on Google every day, which presents many opportunities for businesses looking to promote their products and services. Ranking highly on Google is the key to getting more traffic to your website.

In a survey conducted by Search Engine Journal, 49% of respondents said that SEO delivers the highest return on investment (ROI) of all digital marketing channels. You can get started with SEO yourself for free by learning more about Google Ranking Factors or using top SEO tools and software. You can also work with an SEO service or agency to create an SEO plan and manage your SEO for you.

  • PPC advertising

PPC advertising is exactly what the name suggests: you pay a fee every time someone clicks on your digital ads. The amount you pay is determined by the platform you advertise on, the potential traffic of your promoted post, and the number of competitors willing to pay for similar ads.

Google Ads is the largest PPC platform in the world. Many companies that deal with SEO marketing also deal with PPC advertising on Google. Paid Google ads appear above organic search results, and this placement advantage can drive even more traffic to your website.

Google Ads is not your only way of PPC advertising. You can also buy PPC ads through the Microsoft Search Network on Bing and partner sites, as well as on top social channels, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Amazon, and TikTok.

  • Email marketing

Email marketing is another top digital marketing strategy you'll probably want to add to your marketing mix. According to Statista, on average, businesses earn at least $32 for every dollar spent on email marketing. For some industries, such as retail, e-commerce, and consumer goods, that number is $45.

To be effective in email marketing, you need to create a strategy for collecting email addresses from clients and prospects. Many businesses collect emails with every customer encounter and sometimes offer a special incentive to join their email list. Your business website is also a great place to offer incentives to your visitors to grow your email database.

Growing and nurturing your email list is critical to successful email marketing. You must also respect your list's communication preferences and only send relevant information that your base wants to receive. Failing to master the legal aspects of email marketing, including compliance with CAN/SPAM laws, is also paramount to email marketing success.

Rather than manually managing business emails, most marketers purchase email marketing software. The best email marketing software makes it easy to update your email database and handle new subscribers and unsubscribers for you.

Your email software should also make it easy to segment your email database based on customer interests, create attractive email designs, manage email scheduling, and measure email metrics, including open rates, click-through rates (CTRs), conversion rates, and bounce rates.

  •  Mobile Marketing

There are over 310 million smartphone users in the US alone, so it should come as no surprise that mobile marketing has become a popular digital marketing strategy for businesses.

Mobile marketing is usually done via text, also called Short Message Service (SMS). Text open rates are estimated to be as high as 98%, which is one of the reasons why mobile marketing can be so effective. While text messages are the most common way to market via mobile devices, notifications from mobile apps and social channels can also be received on smartphones. Business applications for mobile marketing are expanding every day.

  • Content marketing

Every form of digital marketing relies on compelling content to attract interest and engage prospects and customers. Content marketing is a term used to describe the different types of content you can develop to deploy in your digital marketing campaigns.

Content marketing can take many forms, including blogs, infographics, whitepapers, e-books, videos, podcasts, quizzes, slide decks, and webinars. Unlike advertising, content marketing is not strictly promotional but instead uses more subtle tactics to inform, educate, or influence a desired target market.

You can use content marketing to build authority on specific topics or create buzz for your brand. One of the key benefits of content marketing is that you can do it on virtually any budget. A do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to content marketing will cost you pennies, or if your budget allows, you can work with copywriters, videographers, designers, and other content development professionals to create content for your business.

Digital Marketing Benefits 

Digital marketing has several key benefits. Here are the main benefits:

  • Budget: You can engage in some forms of digital marketing, such as email and social media, with little or no money.
  • Measurable Results: Most forms of digital marketing allow you to measure key performance metrics, including total impressions, CTR, cost per conversion, overall conversion rates, and more.
  • Better Brand Awareness: With so many people using digital devices to access social channels, texts, and emails, you have almost limitless potential to create awareness of your brand and products.
  • Strong engagement: Digital marketing allows you to create compelling content through text, images, and video, leading to strong customer engagement.
  • Strong ROI Potential: Digital marketing often earns a greater ROI than traditional marketing and advertising tactics.
  • Global and Regional Reach: Depending on the digital marketing tactics you choose, you can limit your reach to a local or regional area or use digital channels like YouTube and TikTok where your content can reach a global audience.
  • Flexibility: You can change or adopt new digital marketing strategies fairly quickly.


Ques. What is digital marketing, in simple words?

Ans. Digital marketing is a business strategy that uses online platforms to create awareness and sell products or services. There are many ways to do digital marketing, including social media, email, SEO, PPC, and content marketing.

Ques. What exactly does a digital marketer do?

Ans. A digital marketer uses digital tools and digital marketing techniques such as social media marketing, SEO, and content marketing to increase awareness, interest, and sales of business products and services. To be an effective digital marketer, you need to be proficient in various digital media and also have strong marketing skills.

Ques. How can I do digital marketing without experience?

Ans. There are several ways to get started with digital marketing, even if you have no experience. You can enrol in a digital marketing certificate program or take digital marketing courses online or at a local college. If you already have some general business or marketing skills, you can get an internship in a marketing department specializing in digital marketing.

Ques. What are the best digital marketing platforms?

Ans. Social media marketing, SEO, and email marketing are three of the best digital marketing platforms marketers use. Top marketing automation tools used for digital marketing include HubSpot, Marketo, and Salesforce.